Saturday, March 16, 2013
Sanfilippo Estate
Auction Preview
Shopping in Paris
Oil painting "Shopping in Paris" by P. Morgan
Value: $800.00
Floral Landscape
Oil painting "Floral Landscape" by P. Jackson
Value: $350.00
Irish Races
Lithograph "Irish Races" by M. Mc Sweeney
Value: $250.00
The Lesson
Lithograph "The Lesson" by Scott Kennedy
Value: $250.00
Wine and Cheese
Oil painting "Wine and Cheese" by Norka
Value: $500.00
Tuscan Landscape
Oil Painting "Tuscan Landscape" by Topaz
Value: $1,000.00
Summer Landscape
Oil painting "Summer Landscape" by Clifton
Value: $1,200.00
Antique White Sox
Antique 1942 Chicago White Sox poster
Value: $250.00
The Boys on Vacation
Watercolor painting “The Boys on Vacation” by Beth Johnson.
Value: $450.00
Classic Kids Photo Shoot Sign Up

Families - don't miss out! Classic Kids Photography is helping raise funds for East Lake Academy!

Sign up for a full in studio shoot which includes: family group photographs & photographs of the children (both together and individually). This sitting fee is specially priced for East Lake Academy families at $175.00 for the WHOLE session (typically the session fee begins at $295 on the weekdays and $395 on Saturdays, plus extra subject fees) and the entire fee will go directly to the school. Please contact Classic Kids Photography, Winnetka to book your session at 847-446-2064. Coupon must be presented at time of shoot. Sessions take place in their Winnetka studio.
Sessions expire 9/1/13.
Value: Purchase